A novelty in fighting persisting symptoms of oral herpes

Albert Skrzypczak, M.Sc. in pharmaceutics, 1 degree specialist in pharmacy pharmaceutics

The extremely refractory HSV-1 (Type-1 Herpes Simplex) virus occurs in ca. 80% of the general population and is very contagious. It causes oral herpes, commonly known as “cold sore”, or “fever”. It is a chronic viral infection characterized in the periodic occurrence of painful fluid-filled blisters. At this point it is worth to distinguish it from the Type 2 herpes virus (HSV2), responsible for genital herpes and not causing the oral variant of the disease.

Statistical data indicate that ca. 90% of population aged over 30 is infected with HSV-1 and as many as 20% of the infected persons have regular symptoms of oral herpes. Total elimination of the virus from the body is impossible. Periods of HSV-1 activation are interchanged with periods during which the virus remains hidden in nerve cell bodies. Once activated it moves along the nerves to the surface of the skin and multiplies in cell nuclei. Still, many of the infected persons never experience any symptoms of herpes.

The infection with HSV-1 usually takes place in infancy or early childhood. Up to the fifth year of life the herpes usually shows no symptoms. The virus is transferred through physical contact (e.g. through kisses or hugging) but it can also be contracted by drinking from the same glass or bottle. In most cases it attacks the mouth, nose and chin, but it can also be transferred to other body parts: eyes, fingers and reproductive organs. The virus is usually activated once the body immunity decreases (during fever, infectious diseases) but also in cases of overheating on a beach or in tanning salon or when a person is exposed to frost. Young people frequently experience herpes syndromes in stress, including that connected with exams, the women can experience recurrences during menstruation.

Treating symptoms of HSV-1 usually takes place through application of antiviral preparations that contain acyclovir or other antiviral agents. These stop the virus from multiplying and are effective throughout the first 3 days of oral herpes. Still, the virus can develop resistance against those drugs, they are also not recommended for use by pregnant and breastfeeding women.

Since the HCV-1 can’t be totally eliminated from one’s body it is of importance to develop more efficient and safer ways of dealing with its persisting symptoms (such as: tingling, itching, blister formation; ulcer formation, cracking scabs), that are a manifestation of infectious process caused by the virus.

New preparation with innovative action appeared in the pharmaceutical market in form of a non-steroid crème, containing the ever more appreciated Glycerophosphoinositol salt of choline (GPI choline). Together with the zinc oxide of the formula they lower the inflammatory reaction of the skin, eliminate the swelling, pain and itching, that are so characteristic for oral herpes. Additionally the Vitamin E and allantolin of the formula have soothing effect and prevent painful skin cracking, regenerating the irritated skin. This makes it particularly effective when used in the first stage of oral herpes. It can be safely used not only by both pregnant and breastfeeding women, but also by persons who already developed resistance to antiviral preparations.


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